About Us
Seed Packets For Liberated Practice: Harvesting Chaos Collection, cultivated by Kristianna Smith, is a mostly-written artwork meant to affirm and encourage folks as they seek to align their values with their day to day actions.
The hope is that this work gives us the tools we need to step into co-creating a structurally care-centered world.
Who is Kristianna Smith?
Kristianna Smith is a liberation cultural worker, Scifi/Fantasy nerd and Queer Black Mama intent on bringing the best of our collective imagination to life.
They are in the habit of wondering and wandering.
Most days you’ll find them wandering through their garden (regardless of season), listening to the lessons it offers and wondering, “What if I tried...”
Seed Packets for Liberated Practice is a result of all of these things.
Mostly, “What if I tried to share my thoughts in a way I would most like to read them?”
In their whole, Kristianna practices generative conflict, deep joy, and radical dreaming.
learn more about Kristianna and their work at kristiannasmith.com
Dear Reader,
I wrote the Harvesting Chaos Collection to affirm and support the tired Black mama, the sensual queer, the healing Blerd, the inner dreaming child, the yet-to-grow-up angsty teenager, the joyful gardener, and all the other parts within me.
I have found it can be difficult and frustrating to build habits that pull apart from the oppressive and familiar norms of the world around us. Sometimes, the practices I most need are ones that have been blocked behind shame or a fear of the unknown.
The place I have found refuge to explore has been my garden. It reminds me how often failure happens, how to embrace emergence, and how to be in one place at one time.
For years, I have been incorporating lessons from my garden into my facilitation, my parenting, and the way I show up in my relationships with others.
Harvesting Chaos is the mantra I say to myself when there seems to be no perfect solutions- and yet- pleasure and joy are accessible.
I created the work the way any amazing thing is done, with my community. Revolutionaries, artists, care-takers and brilliant loving humans who blessed this work with a bit of their own magic.
Through the practices in the Harvesting Chaos Collection, I believe we can create space within ourselves and our collectives. Spaces, like my garden, where the lessons flow in tune with greater deeper knowledge, and the shame supremacy culture has bred us with can be replaced with a consistent habit of being exactly as we are (warts and all).
Harvesting Chaos is using the tools you have to explore what is happening/possible/been there always within your life. Right now. Today.
Nurturing the seeds already in your garden.
Thank you for being a part of that practice with me.